I have not had the need to compare Medicare supplement insurance plans until recently. A Medicare supplement plan (or Medigap plan) is available to help cover costs not covered by Medicare A & B, the original Medicare. These plans are offered by different companies but what I did not know was that the plans have different coverage. According to medicarehealthplans.com there are 10 different Medicare Supplement plans. I was recently educated in the coverage offered by Plan F when continuous stays for a patient in an acute care hospital and a long term acute care hospital  were adding up to 150 days.

My concern was that the patient was about to use all of her benefit days (90) and Lifetime Reserve days (60). The family member provided me with the Medicare Plan F coverage.

Plan F does come with a cost because of the coverage it provides:

  • Part A deductible – approximately $1370 for the first 60 days
  • $341 per day for days 61 – 90
  • $682/ day for days 91 and later using the Lifetime Reserve days
  • 100% of Medicare eligible expenses for an additional 365 days once Lifetime Reserve days are used

To my surprise, my patient had coverage after her 150 days.

Plan F also covers up to $170.50 per day for days 21-100 in a skilled nursing facility, as well as excess charges for Part B and coinsurance and copayments for Part A Hospice Care.

If you are a foreign traveler, Plan F covers 80% of your emergency medical costs if you need to go to the hospital outside the United States, minus a deductible of $250.

Medigap plans vary from state to state. Healthcare.com identifies plans that are available based on zip code. Every state is different so do some research as to what is available to you in your area.

In the state of Florida, Plan F is closed to new members for 2019. New members will have the option to purchase Plan S. Plan S covers the same as Plan F, except the $185 Part B deductible.

For more information on what Medicare Supplement plan is right for you and your budget, go to medicarehealthcare.com, healthcare.com, or speak to an experienced health insurance agent.

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Meet the Author

Linda DeTerlizzi, RN BSN CCM
Linda DeTerlizzi, RN BSN CCMAuthor & Founder of LMD Care Consulting
Linda has decades of nursing and case management experience. She strives to guide people through difficult care decisions for their loved ones. She is a Licensed Register Nurse with a Bachelor of Nursing Degree and Certified Case Manager practicing as a Hospital Case Manager.

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